With storecast in the digital future of the trade
The digital revolution is calling time-honoured business models into question. Commerce needs to adjust to the new conditions. Storecast offers customised technology and software designed to offer customers a contemporary and truly memorable shopping experience.
Storecast Business fields
POS solutions
From electronic price tags to video walls. Storecast supplies the technology, the content and the service.
Software solutions
Storecast develops customised software solutions that process data from a range of difference sources and prepare it for sales.
And this is how Storecast works
Innovative since 2004
Innovative products, software and hardware,
all from one hand.
Video Walls
Everything changes so quickly nowadays. Product presentations must be replaced and new features emphasized. And it all needs to be on the largest possible screens - that is not a problem for Storecast. That has been our 'bread and butter' business for many years. We will gladly take care of the installation and operation.